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Our Projects

EdTech by Design has taken on a variety of projects. We are developing courses to help educators incorporate TPACK and self-regulated learning into daily lessons. We are designing and developing various curricula and lesson plans in several domains, including health and wellness, TPACK, SRL, Triple E, SRL, and CTE. We also work to support educators who serve students experiencing homelessness by creating learning and support connections and professional development to improve their learning. We offer higher education micro-courses to complement their curriculum demands. With our powerful platform and education experts, we can tailor any program to your needs. Read below for more details.


Students Experiencing Homelessness

Students experiencing homelessness have different and varying needs compared to all other students. One of the educators' most significant challenges is identifying students experiencing homelessness. Secondly, educators experience frustration with collaboration and communication with all stakeholders, including parents, the students themselves, principals, counselors, social workers, shelters, and many other people involved in supporting students experiencing homelessness. 


Ask us about Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). These work similarly to Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Still, they are developed to specifically support students experiencing homelessness who often are not identified as having special needs or do not need an IEP. Still, they require different supports to maximize learning and achieve success.


This ILP consists of the students' key people responsible for their success. The model maximizes collaboration among all the stakeholders and centers the student around learning decisions and needs. The platform, in development, will provide a seamless and effective way to manage communications. It will also have a repository for each student's documentation, meeting notes, and goals.

Educational Technology Integration

Designer's World

COVID-19 illuminated deficits in appropriate technology integration across the world. One of the most significant challenges during the massive technology infusion during the COVID-19 school closures was the lack of training educators had in not just using technology but effectively integrating technology. Using technology to teach does not mean simply digitizing worksheets. Educational technology must incorporate specific pedagogy that embraces collaboration, communication, project-based learning, and other pedagogical approaches.


EdTech by Design offers a new model of integrating technology from Pre-K - higher education that combines TPACK (technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge), The Triple E Framework, and a simplified instructional design model (ID). Countless instructional design models exist, and many contradict and confuse pre- and in-service educators. Our model offers a systematic approach to effectively and efficiently integrating technology into lessons, curricula, and courses. 


EdTech by Design offers pre- and in-service educators asynchronous and synchronous micro-courses on integrating technology using TPACK, The Triple E Framework, and simplified instructional design. For a sampling, please see our new YouTube channel: EdTechbyDesign YouTube Channel.


Global Collaboration

This innovative project leverages the latest technology to connect classrooms around the world. The concept facilitates students collaborating with their peers using meaningful and authentic learning projects. One example of a successful program was connecting a rural Mid-Atlantic elementary school with a school in New Delhi, India. The students were tasked with finding ways to improve agricultural sustainability. Their ideas and actions led to new ways of composting, learning about apiaries, exchanging ideas on harvesting, commercializing their ideas, and learning about each other's culture, customs, and language. Please get in touch with us to learn more about how we can connect your classroom.

Self-regulated learning is like SEL's ignored step-child. Without fostering self-regulated learning, teachers cannot maximize learning, especially in students with disabilities, students experiencing extreme poverty, and those who experience homelessness. Self-regulated learning empowers students to take charge of their learning. Yet, research shows that educators do not have the tools to promote self-regulation, nor do they have the strategies to empower students.


Our programs leverage evidence- and research-based approaches to teaching and fostering self-regulation. Pre- and in-service teachers will benefit from our micro-courses, asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities to transfer strategies to their students.

Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Rope Obstacle Course

SRL and Empowerment Camp

This evidence-based summer program was developed in the United Kingdom to support students experiencing homelessness. The program fosters team-building, collaboration, and communication. Most importantly, the program encourages students to take control of their environment, thus promoting empowerment and self-control. We hope to pilot this program in Cleveland, Ohio, this summer, pending resources.

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