Current Research
Self-Regulation Impact on Students Experiencing Homelessness
This transcendental phenomenological study will discover how homelessness liaisons leverage self-regulated learning to buffer learners’ risk and adversity during transitions to online learning for students experiencing homelessness (SEHs) at a Midwestern urban school district. The theory guiding this study is Zimmerman’s social cognitive theory of self-regulated learning, a protective factor for SEHs. After collecting data using a survey, individual interviews, and a focus group, the study will use bracketing or epoche to analyze data collected on 12-13 homelessness liaisons regarding how they foster self-regulation in their students during the transition to online learning COVID-19 closures caused.
Keywords: students experiencing homelessness, self-regulation, liaisons, relationships, engagement, online learning, school connectedness
In publication, doi to be listed shortly. Please contact for full paper.

Future Project on Wellness
Abstract tbd.

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Future research

TPACK and Simplified Instructional Design Micro-Course Impact on Pre-Service Teachers
Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) originated more than 20 years ago as a framework to support the purposeful integration of technology into in elementary, secondary and post-secondary curriculum. Yet, educators face difficulties effectively infusing technology despite strong empirical evidence supporting the framework. Student engagement depends on the judicious integration of technology, critical to the massive technology infusion in schools across the globe. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the impact
and role of educational technology. The extant literature holds numerous themes, including instructional design, technocentricity, validity of instrumentation, and TPACK instruction to pre- and in-service educators. This applied research study aims to unveil how TPACK is applied, obstacles to using TPACK, and possible strategies used in the field that empower educators to successfully use the framework. Implications are discussed.
Keywords: TPACK, educational technology, pedagogy, content knowledge, instructional design

Future Project on CTE

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Future research

Research on educational technology and instructional design is emerging, yet little research exists on combining these models to enhance learning. Further, the research identifies deficits in teaching and learning with technology, but few are action and solutions-oriented. Educators need to have a solid foundation on which to work. COVID-19 proved that instructional and educational technology could be a powerful tool. It can only be powerful if integrated and implemented with fidelity.
Published research
Desaparecidos: The United States "lost" 420,000 students experiencing homelessness during the COVID Closures
This case study aimed to discover how homelessness liaisons promoted school connectedness to students experiencing homelessness during extended school closures at XYSD (pseudonym). The theory guiding this study is Blum’s Multidimensional Theory of School Connectedness, as it provides a framework for understanding how school connectedness acts as a protective factor for students experiencing homelessness. This case study used questionnaires, individual interviews, a focus group, and multiple coding iterations to deduce themes. Findings suggest that the massive transition to online learning and a lack of boundaries contributed to significant academic and maturation delays in students experiencing homelessness. Liaisons are experiencing significant violence in the school that they attribute to social media. Further, liaisons must manage more frequent and severe internalizing behaviors like suicide attempts and ideation that they blame on technology and the lack of connectedness during the COVID Closures.
Presented at the IETC in collaboration with AERA July 29, 2022 In publication. In publication; doi to be listed shortly. Please contact for full paper.
Applying TPACK and simplified instructional design models to improve pre-service teacher tech integration
This case study aimed to discover pre-service teacher perceptions of a technology integration micro-course called TPACK_ID at XY University (pseudonym). The theories guiding this study are TPACK and the learner-centered education paradigm. TPACK_ID provided effective foundations for pre-service teachers to integrate technology using evidence-based technology best practices while applying 21st Century principles. Further, TPACK_ID increased confidence in students’ abilities to find, select, and integrate higher-order thinking educational technology applications. This single-case study used pre-course questionnaire responses from open-ended questions, course artifacts, and a post-course questionnaire’s open-ended question responses. Results, implications, and future research will be discussed.
Presented at the IETC in collaboration with Slippery Rock University and AERA July 29, 2022. In publication; doi to be listed shortly. Please contact for full paper.